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4 Interesting Pro Tips For Photographers: An Introduction to Photography Exposures

4 Interesting Pro Tips For Photographers An Introduction to Photography Exposures

4 Interesting Pro Tips For Photographers An Introduction to Photography Exposures

Photography Exposures: By definition, photography is the art of using light to create images. The idea remains the same whether you use digital or filmic media. A good photograph requires a proper exposure, as light is the essential component of any good photograph.

Proper Photo Exposure

A picture that is correctly exposed is one that isn’t overly bright or dark. Highlights and shadows with varying degrees of contrast in between are characteristics of a well-exposed image. Whether the photo is in black and white or colour makes no difference.

Using a light metre, a photographer can determine whether the image has the right exposure.

Pro Tip: It is always preferable to make camera corrections for underexposed or overexposed photos. The greatest software on the market, even for digital photography, won’t be able to bring out details in the highlights and shadows if those details weren’t captured in the first place.

Underexposed Photos

In photography, an underexposed image is one where insufficient light was captured. How dark a picture is will depend on how much underexposure there is.

It’s quite simple to fix an underexposed photo with a camera. More light must be allowed to reach the film plane or digital sensor. A few choices are available:

 Ashraful Kadir / Getty Images

Photography Exposures: Overexposed Photos

Overexposure is the exact opposite of underexposure; it occurs when a photograph captures too much light. This will become apparent in the highlights, where all details are blurred and referred to by photographers as “blown out.”

Do the exact opposite of what you would do for an underexposed photo to fix an overexposed one. Reducing the amount of light captured is the aim here. Once more, you have some choices:

 James O’Neil / Getty Images

Easy Exposure Adjustments

A built-in feature of many contemporary cameras allows you to easily over- and underexpose a picture. This typically has a “0” in the center and increments that go from “+1, +2” on the right to “-1, -2” on the left, resembling a scale. There are frequently extra 1/3 or 1/2 stop increments between each number.

Learn how to use this scale on your camera, then shoot a bunch of pictures to see how the exposure changes. “Bracketing” or “exposure compensation” refers to using the scale to make sure your photos have the right exposure.

Use the scale to under- or overexpose the next frame you take when you realize a digital capture is too light or too dark. The shutter speed or aperture of the camera will be automatically adjusted to account for your new exposure.

Pro Tip: If you are handholding the camera while using the bracketing function, be mindful of your shutter speed. Keep in mind that the slowest shutter speed you should use without a tripod is 1/60 of a second, or else camera shake will cause your pictures to look grainy.

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