20 Surprising Interesting Facts about Sanskrit Language

20 Surprising Interesting Facts about Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit is the oldest language of the world. The majority of Sanskrit literature is composed solely of poetry because it has been passed down to us orally through the Shruti Parampara tradition. Sanskrit poetry has been produced continuously since the Rigveda, the oldest piece of literature in history. Facts about Sanskrit: Sanskrit an old Indo-Aryan … Read more

Did You Know These 10 Least Popular Dog Breeds

Most Popular Dog Breeds

CARING FOR YOUR DOG This stray dog probably has a family somewhere. According to the ASPCA, “about 810,000 animals” enter the shelter system as lost family pets. Many Dogs escape from even the most loving and caring owners every year; we hope this never happens to you. The key to averting this concerning situation is prevention. … Read more

Bollywood actress launched by salman khan
Bollywood actress launched by salman khan