20 Surprising Interesting Facts about Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit is the oldest language of the world. The majority of Sanskrit literature is composed solely of poetry because it has been passed down to us orally through the Shruti Parampara tradition. Sanskrit poetry has been produced continuously since the Rigveda, the oldest piece of literature in history.

Facts about Sanskrit: Sanskrit an old Indo-Aryan language, with a documented history of nearly 3,500 years, is said to be the primary liturgical language of the Hindu culture. Now recognised as a classical language, it is in great demand worldwide and is recognised for having a very scientific structure.

Regretfully, fewer than a fraction of Indians speak Sanskrit. On World Sanskrit Day, we hope that this lost language receives the respect it deserves and is preserved before it is too late. Today, the language is still widely spoken among the general public through songs and a few common phrases. Here are a few Sanskrit-related facts.

Speaking Sanskrit allows you to communicate with fewer words.

Sanskrit has a highly organized grammatical structure. The vowels and consonants are even phonetically arranged in a very scientific pattern. It adds to the preciseness of the language. It is believed that what one can express in Sanskrit in one word, an English speaker would generally need four to six or even more words to express the same idea.

Many words in the English language have Sanskrit roots.

Many English words, such as “mosquito” from “mashaka,” “bangle” from “bangri,” “sugar” from “sakara,” “camphor” from “karpura,” “cash” from “karsha,” and many more, have Sanskrit roots. In his book “The Sanscrit Language,” English philologist Sir William Jones first proposed in 1786 that Sanskrit was related to Greek and Latin, and possibly even to Gothic, Celtic, and Persian languages.

Be it Greek Latin English Hindi Lithuanian, it is believed by most scholars that Sanskrit is the mother of all languages. Scholars such as Immanuel Kant and Voltaire held the view that Sanskrit was the origin of all Indo-European languages.

Everybody speaks Sanskrit in this Karnataka village

Mattur, a village in Shimoga district of Karnataka is known for its preservation of the language. Sanskrit is the ancient classical language spoken in the village by everyone, including the street vendors, kids, and shopkeepers. It’s also reported that practically every home in this village has at least one IT specialist. Known for producing great educational results and having a low track record of crime, it also offers to teach Sanskrit to anyone who is interested.

Uttarakhand officially designated Sanskrit as its official state language

The state’s residents are happy that Sanskrit is now an official language. It works to promote the ancient language so that children can comprehend it and translate or co-relate traditional and Vedic wisdom with modern science, economics, and politics in an effort to encourage Vedic learning techniques. The state government thinks Sanskrit could contribute to the general well-being of the populace.

Sudharma is the only Sanskrit newspaper in the world

Sudharma is the only Sanskrit daily newspaper in the world for a language with Indian origins. The newspaper is available online and has been published since 1970 from Mysore, Karnataka, India. Posts are the primary method by which the paper is distributed to its offline readers. The newspaper was started in 1970 by Sanskrit scholar Kalale Nadadur Varadaraja Iyengar with the intention of advancing the language. He was a Sanskrit book publisher. His plan to start a Sanskrit newspaper was first greeted with disillusionment.

Sanskrit has influenced music in many different genres, including pop songs and Hindustani and Carnatic classical.

It is common knowledge that the Carnatic and Hindustani genres of classical music make substantial use of Sanskrit. Sanskrit musical notation was used in texts that go back to the Sama Veda. In India, kirtanas, bhajans, strotas, and shlokas written in Sanskrit are widely enjoyed. In China, an award-winning Chinese pop singer, Sa Dingding, is famous and popular throughout for writing her C-pop songs in Sanskrit.

Sanskrit language has the largest vocabulary

102 Arabic 78 billion Sanskrit has so far been used to 50 lakh words. The word elephant has more than a hundred synonyms, and Sanskrit has an astounding ninety-six words for love, compared to English’s one! The language of Sanskrit is rich in synonyms. It obviously rules the word world with more than 122 words describing “to go” and more than 70 words describing water.

Sanskrit is the most computer friendly language

According to a statement made by NASA scientist Rick Briggs, Sanskrit is the only language that is clear. Sanskrit is the focus of an American university, and NASA also maintains a department devoted to studying Sanskrit manuscripts. This language is used by computer languages such as FORTRAN. It should come as no surprise that the language is computer-friendly given the numerous references to its structured science. Numerous studies have even asserted that learning Sanskrit improves one’s capacity for logic and analysis because of this structure.

It is believed that the USA is creating the 6th and 7th generation Super Computers based on the Sanskrit language. For computers that are sixth and seventh generations, the project deadlines are 2025 and 2034, respectively.

Facts about Sanskrit Language

It is the world’s oldest, most systematic, and technically advanced language.

Sanskrit is the only Unambiguous Language in Existence.

Sanskrit is known for its flawless pronunciation and its singular grammar, which has endured throughout history. It is the world’s most perfect language.

Sanskrit is known to be the Mother of all Languages of the World. Nearly 97% of all Languages have been Directly or indirectly Influenced by this Language.

Sanskrit is a compound word made up of the terms “Sanskar” and “Krit,” where “Krit” means “inculcating” and “Sanskar” means “essence of moral values.”

The Sanskrit language has never had a dialect and has remained constant throughout history.

In order to achieve phonetic accuracy, the Sanskrit vocabulary employs 49 sounds that are produced from five different areas of the mouth.

The language that has been perfected through refinement and sculpture is Sanskrit, which is also the most scientific and mature.

Sanskrit is the only language that can express a sentence in the fewest possible words.

There exist many Villages in India where Everyone speaks Sanskrit. Mathur/ Mattur, a village 10 km’s from Shimoga speaks Sanskrit on Daily basis.

As per Forbes Magazina – Sanskrit is the most Computer friendly Language.

“There are 102.78 billion words in Sanskrit overall.Sanskrit: 1.5 lakh; Hindi: 1.7 lakh; English: 3.8 lakh

Sanskrit is the focus of an American university, and NASA also maintains a department devoted to Sanskrit manuscript research.

NASA has over 60,000 palm leaf manuscripts that are written in Sanskrit and are being studied for their various ancient technologies.

According to a report presented by a NASA scientist, the United States of America is developing the sixth and seventh generation supercomputers, which will be built on the Sanskrit language.

There are at least 17 universities in the world where people can study Sanskrit, but surprisingly, not a single university in India is specifically dedicated to Sanskrit studies.

Ancient Indians referred to Sanskrit as “Devbhasha” or ” Devavani,” the Language of the Gods. The Script is called Devnagari which means used in the Cities of the Gods.

Sanskrit is the language of the world’s greatest ancient works, including the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagwad Geeta, Ayurveda, Purana, Mahabharat, and Ramayana. Among the world’s oldest texts are those written in Sanskrit.

Published in Mysore, India, the Sanskrit Daily Newspaper Sudharma has been in publication since 1970 and is currently accessible online as an e-paper.

Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism are the three main world religions whose scholarly languages are Sanskrit.

Speech therapy has also demonstrated the benefits of Sanskrit. Research suggests that Learning the Language improves brain functioning and students improve Academically. Sanskrit enhances Memory power and Concentration.

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