35 Random Fascinating Facts About Concordia University Texas

Hey! It’s me, Maggi. today I’m gone to tell you some Interesting facts about Concordia University Texas. As an institution of higher education, learning is important to us we are a higher education institution, we value education. To celebrate continual learning, here is a list of 35 fascinating fact.

List of Facts About Concordia University Texas

  1. Alaska you a question

Alaska is the only U.S. state whose name is typed using 1 row of the keyboard.

  1. Queen of the Land & the Engine

Queen Elizabeth II is a trained mechanic. She served as a member of the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service during World War 2.

  1. The Chicken or the Egg?

The chicken came before the egg. Genesis 1:20-22 explains how God created every winged bird & then commanded them to multiply.

  1. Dynamite Snack

Peanuts are used to make dynamite. Their oil is extracted to produce glycerol, which is then used to create the explosive substance nitroglycerine.

  1. Growing Wingspan

When a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis, its wings are small, & the butterfly cannot yet fly. The butterfly pumps fluids from it’s abdomen through veins in it’s wings to expand the wings to their full size.

  1. Quite a Quizzical Query

Do you know the 1 letter that doesn’t appear in a U.S. state name? “Q”

  1. See Look at What the Wind Blew In

The Windy City (Chicago) is not named after it’s weather. The phrase was first used in the 1800s by journalists to disparage Chicago residents as being “full of hot air.”

  1. Face the Fact’s

Your nose & ears never stop growing.

  1. Noodle Over This Fact

one strand of spaghetti is called a “spaghetto.”

  1. High School Project Becomes National Symbol

In 1958, high schooler Bob Heft designed the 50 star American flag that flies today. At the time, Alaska & Hawaii were not yet states, but Heft assumed they would become states, so he altered his family’s existing 48 star flag to add two more stars.

His teacher gave him a Be at the time, but 2 years later, after President Dwight D. Eisenhower selected his flag’s design out of 1,500, Heft’s teacher changed/upgraded his grade to an A.

  1. #WhoKnew?

The “#” symbol, commonly known to as a hashtag or pound sign, is actually called an octothorpe.

  1. Roosevelt’s Zoo

Among the many strange animals that President Theodore Roosevelt and his family owned were the following:

  • Small bear
  • Lizard
  • Guinea pigs
  • Pig
  • Blue macaw (giant parrot)
  • Hen
  • One-legged rooster
  • Hyena
  • Barn owl
  • Rabbit
  • Pony
  • Dogs
  1. Talk About a Run-On Sentence

“Les Miserables,” a novel written by Victor Hugo and adapted into a musical, has a sentence that is 823 words long.

  1. Whatever Floats Your Goat

The pupils in goats’ eyes are rectangular.

  1. Lobster Dinner for Everyone

During colonial times in America, lobster was so plentiful, & therefore so cheap, that it was often served to prisoners.


  1. Good point(er finger)!

The muscles that enable you to move your fingers are absent from them. They are controlled by the muscles in your palms & arms.

  1. A Humdinger of a Fact

You can’t hum while holding your nose. To hum for an extended period of time, you have to exhale, which you can’t do when both your mouth and your nose are closed.

  1. Star Sailors

Astronaut comes from two Greek words: “astro,” which means “star,” & “naut,” which means sailor.

  1. Blonde Moment

Elvis Presley, renown for his distinct voice & jet-black hair, was a natural blonde. When he was a teenager, he started using shoe polish to dye his hair black.

  1. An Eye for Detail

Human eyes focus on 50 different objects Each second.

  1. Everything’s Bigger in Texas.

The state of Texa’s is larger than any country in Europe.

  1. Winging It

An average North American humming Bird beats their wings 53 times per second.

  1. Can Y’all Believe This?

” You all,” a contraction of “you all,” is widely associated with the American South, especially in Texa’s. But the earliest known use of ” you all ” is found in English man William Lisle’s ” The Faire Aethiopian.”

  1. Computing Power

A TI-83 calculator has 6 times more processing power than the computer that landed Apollo 11, the 1st spaceflight to land humans on the moon.

  1. Tea Time

Since the end of World War II in 1945, Every British tanks have been equipped with all of the item’s needed to make tea, including a boiling vessel that heats water.

This means that soldiers can continue to enjoy a hot cup of coffee while sheltered in their tanks from enemy attacks.

  1. Appealing Fact

Bananas grow toward the sun against gravity, which gives the fruit it’s curved shape.

  1. Full of Bologna

The University of Bologna, located in Italy, one of the oldest university in the world. It was founded in 1088.

  1. Berry Interesting

In an apparent quest to make things more complicated, the scientific definition of a berry excludes many fruits that are commonly called berries, such as strawberries and raspberries, & includes many unexpected foods, like bananas and tomatoes.

Scientists identify berries as a fruit that meets the following requirements:

  • Has three layers: outer skin, fleshy middle & innermost part that holds the seeds
  • Has two or more seeds
  • Grows from one flower that has one ovary

As per to the scientific definition, the following are berries:

  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Grapes
  • Tomatoes
  • Cranberries
  • Watermelons
  • Peppers
  • Kiwis
  • Oranges
  • Eggplants

According to this system, the item’s in the following list are not berries:





  1. Scheming Lemurs

A group of lemur’s is called a conspiracy.

  1. Bridge in the Desert

The chainsaw tycoon Robert McCulloch, Sr. purchased the London Bridge, which crossed the River Thames in London, England, between 1832 and 1968 with the intention of luring tourists to Lake Havasu City, the Arizona city he founded.

The inside of the bridge is hollow and supported with a steel framework. The facade features the bridges original granite blocks.

  1. They’re Watching You

While you are logged into your Facebook account, the social media company tracks & records nearly everything you do on the web.

  1. Shotgun!

Calling “shotgun” is inspired by a time before automobiles.

A guard with a shotgun rode next to the driver of the stagecoach. These guards would keep robbers and criminals away, protecting the driver, passengers and cargo the stagecoach was carrying.

  1. Overestimating the Underground

London’s public train transportation system is known as the London Underground. However, only 45% of the London Underground uses underground tunnels. A majority of the train lines travel above ground.

  1. Sincerely Ironic

“Oxymoron” refers to a group of self-contradicting words, such as icy hot and seriously funny.

The word “oxymoron” is itself an oxymoron. Drawn from Ancient Greek, “oxy” means sharp, & “moron” means stupid.

  1. Positive Fact

While Cats have five toes on their front paws, but they have only four toes on their back two paws.

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