40 Fun Facts about English Language and Words

English is One of the Most widely spoken Languages in the World.

Actually, the Netherlands and what is now North West Germany are where English originated.

The Language that is Most closely related to English is Frisian.

Old English 1st came into use way back in the 5th Century AD. Over 1,400 years have seen the development of the English language.

Globally, there are about 1.5 billion English speakers. That represents 20 percent of all people on Earth.

There are more English language learners than native speakers of the language worldwide.

English is not United States Official Language.

There are 24 Different dialects of English in the US.

English is the Official Language of the sky. All Pilots speak in English on International flights.

Shakespeare added over a Thousand New words to the English Language.

In the English language, about one new word is added every year. The English dictionary adds about 4,000 new words annually, or every two hours.

There are Currently about an Estimated one Million words in the English language.

The first English Dictionary was written in 1755.

English is used to store more than 80% of the data on computers worldwide.

In the English language, the letter “E” is the most frequently used.

The letter “S” is the starting letter of more English words than any other letter in the alphabet.

The First Number spelled out that contains an ‘a’ is One Thousand.

# Fun Facts about English Language Words

The word ALPHABET comes from the 1st 2 Letters of the Greek alphabet: Alpha and Beta.

The Longest English word that can be spelled without Repeating any letters is ‘uncopyrightable’.

In English, there isn’t a single word that rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.

“Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis,” the longest word in English, is 45 letters long.

There was a word in the English dictionary from 1932 to 1940 that had no meaning because of a printing error. The term was “Dord,” and it was dubbed the “Ghost word.”

The word in the English language that is mispronounced the most is “pronunciation.”

The word “queueing” is unique in that it has five consecutive vowels.

Angry and Hungry are the only two words in modern English that finish in -gry.

The most commonly used noun is ‘Time’.

The word ‘Whatever’ consistently Ranks as the most Annoying English word.

The word ‘Goodbye’ is a Contraction of ‘God be with you’.

The shortest English sentence that is still grammatically correct is “Go!”

The meaning of many English words has evolved over time. Example “Awful” was a contraction of “Full of awe” and meant “Inspiring wonder.”

“Set” is the English word with the highest level of complexity. This small word has over 430 definitions and needs a definition in the Oxford English Dictionary that is 60,000 words long and takes up 24 pages.

The English word “ough” can be pronounced in nine different ways. All of them are contained in this sentence: A doughy-faced, rough-coated ploughman strolled through Scarborough’s streets, coughing and hiccoughing after he fell into a slough.

“The slothful dog is overtaken by the swift brown fox.” Because it contains every letter in the English language, this kind of sentence is known as a pangram.

The English language’s most challenging tongue twister is “sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.”

A word or phrase that is spelt the same when read from left to right or from left to right is called a palindrome. The word “Madam” is an example.

A word that appears the same upside down as it does upside up is called an ambigram. The word “SWIMS,” for instance, is capitalised in all cases.

Words that have their meaning altered if the first letter is capitalised are known as capitonyms. Turkey, for instance, both the nation and the bird.

Contronyms, or words that can have contradictory meanings depending on the context, are widely used in the English language.

Rearranging the letters in a word or phrase to create a new word or phrase is known as an anagram. For instance, “Itself” is an anagram of the word “Stifle.”

The vocabulary of fiction readers is larger than that of non-fiction readers. Generally speaking, fiction has a more diverse vocabulary than nonfiction.

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