Some Interesting 50 Shark Jokes & Puns For The ‘Baby Shark’ Enthusiast In Your Life

Let’s face it: “Baby Shark Jokes ” is a fact of life. But even before the phenomena that is Pinkfong’s “Baby Shark” song became the toddler ear-worm it is today, kids — and adults alike — have been fascinated by all things shark. And we get the obsession! In addition to being the top predator in the ocean, sharks are also incredibly fascinating animals. Despite being the tough guys of the ocean, they have been roaming its waters for over 450 million years—and they don’t even have bones. They have sandpaper-like skin, and they go into a trance when you turn them on their back. We are addicted to shark puns and jokes for all of these reasons, among many more!

We are pretty sure you won’t be able to resist them, either. Why? Because your kiddos will eat these punchlines up. So, get ready to entertain your little shark enthusiast with these clean, kid-friendly shark jokes. And if that doesn’t work? You can always play the incredibly catchy song once more.

Here We Go Shark Jokes And Puns For The ‘Baby Shark’

1. What’s a shark’s favorite bible story? Noah’s Shark.

2. What’s a shark’s favorite science fiction TV show? Shark Trek.

3. What results from crossing a snowman with a shark? Frostbite.

4. What do you call the stuff caught in a great white shark’s teeth? Slow swimmers.

5. What kind of shark likes to gamble? A card shark.

6. What happened when the shark got famous? He became a starfish.

7. How did the hammerhead do on the Math exam? He nailed it.

8. What do you get from a bad-tempered shark? As far away as possible.

9. Why do sharks live in salt water? Because pepper water makes them sneeze

10. Where do sharks go on vacation? Fin-land.

11. What do you call two sharks who get married? Hooked for life.

12. Which candy should a shark with braces avoid? Jaw-breakers.

13. How does a shark announce food is ready? “Hot off the gill!”

14. Where do country singing sharks try to make it big? Gnashville.

15. Who is the most famous shark writer? William Sharkspeare.

16. What do you call a shark who wants to be by himself? A lone shark.

17. What did one shark say to the other after eating a clownfish? “It looks funny, but it also tastes funny.

18. What should you do if you see a shark? Swim away.

19. Who gives sharks presents on Christmas? Santa Jaws.

20. Which sharks would you find at a construction site? Hammerhead sharks.

21. What did the shark say to the whale? “What are you blubbering about?”

22. What is a shark’s favorite kinda sandwich? Peanut butter and jellyfish.

23. When sharks hunt, what song do they sing? “Don’t Stop Bleedin’.”

24. Which shark species are the most dubious? Card sharks.

25. What did the hammerhead shark say to his drinking buddies? “I’m hammered.”

26. What lie will a shark always tell a human? “I’ll just take one bite.”

27. What did the shark say when he was accused of hitting his brother? “Not gill-ty!”

28. What’s a shark’s favorite movie? Shaw-shark Redemption.

29. What did the mama shark say to the kid shark? “Watch that sharkasm, young man!”

30. When faced with a major decision, what actions do sharks take? Chews wisely.

31. What did the shark say to the other shark? “There’s some-fin special about you!”

32. How does a shark greet a fish? “Pleased to eat you!”

33. What do sharks order at McDonald’s? A quarter flounder with cheese.

34. The star attraction at my local aquarium has been repossessed. Turns out it was a loan shark!

35. Why did the shark cross the Great Barrier Reef? To get to the other tide.

36. I was at the beach today when I saw a man in the sea yelling, “Help, shark! Help!” I just laughed and laughed. I knew that shark wouldn’t help him.

37. What happens when you mix a shark and a cow together? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t want to milk it!

38. How much does it cost to swim with the sharks? An arm and a leg.

39. Did you hear about the musician who borrowed money from a loan shark? He is in a whole lot of treble.

40. A shark, crocodile, and a giant spider walk into a bar. There is no punchline; it’s just a normal day in Australia.

41. I always dress up as a shark for Halloween. I think the joke’s wearing fin!

42. I don’t understand how people get attacked by sharks. Can’t they hear the music?

43. Can’t wait to see a Great White shark before I die. But not right before I die.

44. Where do lonely sharks go to find companionship? Sand Bars.

45. What do sharks have on their toast? Mermalaid.

46. How did they know the victim of the shark attack had dandruff? They found her head & shoulders on the beach.

47. There’s a little-known but foolproof defense against sharks. Sharks will only attack you if you’re wet.

48. Why was the shark blushing? It saw the ocean’s bottom.

49. What happened to shark who ate keys? It got lock-jaw.

50. What’s a shark’s favorite cereal? Captain Crunch.

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