64+ Random, Fun, Interesting Facts About Legit

these random facts to memory? It can make you feel like a genius when you know the answer to a problem that nobody else in the room does.

Funny Facts

1. In order to make their owners’ lives easier, guide dogs perform their “business” as instructed. How thoughtful!

2. British soldiers had to get by on just three sheets of toilet paper a day during World War II!

3.Up until 2011 beer was regarded as a soft drink rather than an alcoholic beverage in Russia!

4. Strawberries are NOT berries, but bananas actually are!

5. A tomato is actually a fruit.

6. The large cashew apple that is used to make soft drinks in Brazil is actually attached to the cashew nuts that we eat. Well, that’s a fact!

7. It’s true that mice dislike cheese! If given the option, they would rather have sweets; they enjoy eating fruit, seeds, and grains!

8. Instead of eating turkey on the first Thanksgiving, people most likely ate wildfowl, geese, and maybe even passenger pigeons and swans!

9. A flock of ravens is called a conspiracy. Dark stuff!

10. Caterpillars have 12, count ‘em, 12 eyes!

11. Mice have amusing names: a male mouse is called a buck, and a female is called a doe. Because of their colour, baby mice are sometimes referred to as pinkies and other times as pups.

12. Did you know that every night, monkeys, gorillas, bonobos, and other primates build new nests in which to sleep?

13. Chickens don’t just eat seeds, they like to eat insects and also mice and lizards! Ew, chickens!

14. In addition to their long necks, giraffes also have long tongues! Their tongues measure eighteen to twenty inches in length.

15. In Arizona, you can’t feed garbage to pigs without getting a permit.

16. Sea otters like to hold each other’s paws when they sleep, so they don’t drift apart while dreaming. How sweet is that?!

17. Did you know that jellyfish have been around even before dinosaurs?

18. All clownfish are born male! Additionally, they can all change to female sex, but once they do, they cannot go back to male sex. In order for Nemo to have been a girl fish all along!

19. Were you aware that roses and apples are members of the same plant family? So do raspberries, plums, and a host of other delectable fruits. Send your mother a gorgeous bouquet of plums the next time, instead of roses!

20. Helen Keller received the first Akita dog in this nation in 1937 as a gift!

21. Turns out, a dog’s paw print is just as unique as a human’s. Good news for dog detectives!

22. A camel can drink up to 40 gallons of water in one go. That’s seriously impressive!

23. Don’t bring your crystal ball to Maryland! Fortune telling is illegal in the state.

24. Speaking of ferrets, did you know that their purpose was to keep rodents out of grain stores?

25. A fear of long words is known as “hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia” in technical terms. There’s no way you could use that to diagnose yourself!

26. There are 35 bathrooms in the White House. Thus, the President’s every bathroom break can be unique!

27. Greyhounds can run up to 45 mph. So don’t challenge one to a race!

28. Hiking naked is illegal in Switzerland. Though we must say, it doesn’t seem like a good idea in general!

29. They call this group of flamingos… It’s finally here—aflamboyance! Elegant.

30. New York’s Central Park is bigger than Monaco. That’s right, one park is bigger than an entire country!

31. It is forbidden in West Virginia to use ferrets to hunt other animals. Well informed!

32. Don’t let the chicken cross the road in Georgia (the country.) No, seriously. It’s illegal!

33. Here’s a fun fact to chew on: Central Park has over 9,000 benches.

34. Theodore Roosevelt’s kids had a pet bear, badger, and hyena, to name but a few animals — and they brought them all to the White House!

35. There are over 700 ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbols. That’s a lot compared to 26 letters of alphabet!

36. The tongue of a woodpecker is larger than its head. It shields its brain from the effects of all that pecking by keeping it wrapped around it!

37. Compared to water, Saturn’s surface is less dense. That implies that, if it were large enough, it might float in your bathtub.

38. The expression “heart of gold” was invented by Shakespeare.

39. It takes a bee 90,000 miles to produce one pound of honey! Even so, during its lifetime, a bee normally only produces a twelfth of a teaspoon of the substance.

40. Some lipsticks apparently contain fish scales. Eek!

41. The eye of an ostrich is genuinely larger than its brain. Moreover, ostriches have the biggest eyes of all land animals.

42. It seems that 25% of the cheese produced worldwide is produced in the United States. There is a tonne of cheese there!

43. The human hand contains 54 bones, so here’s one to tickle your funny bone. That represents more than 25% of all the bones in the body. Whoa!

44. Would you like a polar bear-shaped licence plate? All you need to do is relocate to Canada’s Nunavut Province!

45. How do you tell if a cranberry is ripe? It’ll bounce like a rubber ball.

46. The majority of stamp adhesive sold in the US has a calorie content of roughly one tenth. Purchasing British stamps could cost you 5.9 calories. Naturally, all of that won’t make its way into your stomach in one lick.

47. Here’s a strange but humorous fact: crows hold funerals for their deceased in addition to being referred to as murders. eerie

48. The only insects that make food that humans eat are bees. Regards, bees!

49. Uneasy? Avoid visiting any cheese shops in Sardinia to avoid encountering Casu Marzu, a cheese that derives its flavour from living maggots. EEK!

50. Lettuce is a member of the sunflower family. Is your mind blown?

51. Jin Songhao of China won the world record for longest skin contact with snow at 46 minutes and 7 seconds!

52. Pete Glazebrook of England grew the heaviest onion ever measured. It was seventeen pounds!

53. The title of tallest Mohawk goes to Kazuhito Watanabe, a Japanese fashion designer. His ‘hawk’ measures three feet 8.6 inches!

54. Elmer Fudd’s original name was Egghead.

55. Mickey and Minnie Mouse’s voice actors were married from the 1980s until the 2010s!

56. The actors in the Harry Potter films were really completing their REAL schoolwork in the scenes where Hermione, Ron, and Harry are completing their Hogwarts coursework!

57. Ignorant? Go to Eastern Pennsylvania, where “jawn” can refer to something, someone, or somewhere you simply cannot recall.

58. The longest-living domestic cat in history was 38 years old. Her name was Austin, Texas’s Cream Puff.

59. It seems that Usain Bolt is not as fast as the world’s fastest ant!

60. Little brown bats make for the longest nappers — in captivity, they nap up to 19.9 hours a day. Would that we could sleep for that long!

61. A noodle longer than 10,000 feet has ever been produced. It’s nearly two miles there! I wonder how long we would need to suck that down?

62. Otto the bulldog, skating through 30 people’s legs without help, broke the record for the longest human tunnel skated by a dog. You are our hero, Otto.

63. A flock of peacocks is called a party. Party hard, peacocks!

64. The Supreme Court is known as “The highest court on the land” and has its own basketball court. Understand?

Miscellaneous Interesting Facts

1. Time stops at the speed of light Facts.

2. Compared to human cells, the average human body contains more bacteria.

3. The average person walks the distance of five times around the Earth in their lifetime.

4. Without saliva, humans could not taste food.

5. The final light display from Betelgeuse would illuminate our sky for about two months if it exploded right now.

6. Oona Chaplin, who played Robb Stark’s wife in Game of Thrones, is Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter.

7. The brothers who founded the sportswear brands Adidas and Puma! Rudolf “Rudi” Dassler is the brain behind Puma, while his big bro Adolf “Adi” Dassler gave the world Adidas.

8. Q is the only alphabetic letter that is absent from any state in the United States.

9. George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. designed and built the first Ferris Wheel in Chicago, Illinois.

10. Although it originated in Minnesota, SPAM is most famous in Hawaii. The SPAM museum is located within the state!

11. Approximately 69% of the freshwater on Earth is stored in glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets.

12. Whale songs can be used by scientists to sonically map out the ocean floor.

13. The first individual to be charged with vehicular speeding was travelling at eight miles per hour.

14. Hair and nails typically grow faster during pregnancy.

15. To get rid of lice and other dangerous parasites that might be in their feathers, cardinals cover themselves in ants.

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