11 Free Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages

With the help of these free Cinco de Mayo colouring pages, you and your child can celebrate the holiday’s history while they colour and decorate festive images.

These colouring pages for Cinco de Mayo feature a variety of images, such as Mexican cuisine, flags, dancing, piñatas, sombreros, maracas, mariachi bands and singers, guitars, maps, and many more entertaining drawings.

From preschool to middle school, there are colouring pages for kids of all ages, and some are even for adults. You can find the ideal colouring page for yourself, your students, or your child by simply taking a look.

You can simply print these free Cinco de Mayo colouring pages from your home printer. To get the best results, just follow the printing instructions found on each website.

1. Free Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages

These free Cinco de Mayo colouring pages from The Colour have three main themes: food, celebration, and history. There are dancing people, food vendors, mariachi bands, pinatas, sombreros, maracas, and even a color-changing coat of arms.Here are some colouring options for you.

You can print off the black-and-white colouring pages and colour them the old-fashioned way, or you can colour them online using virtual crayons. Just see which one your child prefers—both are enjoyable. You have the choice of how many colours to use if you decide to colour online. If your child is just starting to colour, start with a small amount. If you find a Cinco de Mayo coloring page that you especially like here, you can even rate it to let others know. Free Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages from The Color

2. Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages

A Jalapeno Wearing a Sombrero With the Phrase "Cinco De Mayo" 

Doodle Art Alley Doodle Art Alley has some Cinco de Mayo coloring pages that are great for older children, as well as those adults who love to color. There are coloring pages of cacti, jalapenos, maracas, and more. Click on the page you like and then use your browser to print this free PDF file. Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages from Doodle Art Alley

3. Coloring Pages

The Mexican Flag With the Phrase "Cinco De Mayo" The majority of Colour Me Good’s Cinco de Mayo colouring pages have the words “Cinco de Mayo” along with an image that goes with it, but some also include the pictures that help make the holiday so well-known. Click on the Cinco de Mayo coloring page you’d like to download to open a PDF file of that page. Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages from Color Me Good.

4. De Mayo Free, Printable Coloring Pages

A Man Playing the Maracas Surfnetkids You’ll find images of dancing, singing, cooking, and celebrating on these free Cinco de Mayo coloring pages from Surfnetkids. These Cinco de Mayo coloring pages open as PDF files, making them super easy to print.Cinco de Mayo Free, Printable Coloring Pages from Surfnetkids.

5. Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages

A Coloring Page of a Pinata 

Crayola There are only a couple of Cinco de Mayo coloring pages over at Crayola, but we had to include them because they are some excellent ones. Pick between from a Cinco de Mayo dancer, or a Cinco de Mayo piñata coloring page. Click on the image, then the “Print Now” button. Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages from Crayola.

6. Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages

The Phrase "Cinco De Mayo" With a Sombreo Coloring Home Coloring, Home has a nice group of free, printable Cinco de Mayo coloring pages that include images of cacti, piñatas, sombreros, mariachi bands, and people celebrating. To print one, click on the thumbnail and then use the “Print This” button to open it up in your browser’s print preview. Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages from Coloring Home.

7. Free Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages

Maracas and a SombreroAmazing Colouring You can quickly print off 17 free Cinco de Mayo colouring pages from Super Colouring using your home printer. Festive colouring pages for Cinco de Mayo are available, featuring pictures of masks, sombreros, hot chiles, maracas, and more. These colouring pages can be printed in black and white and coloured the old-fashioned way, or you can colour them online using the provided tool, then print the digitally coloured version. Super Colouring offers free printable Cinco de Mayo colouring pages.

8. Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages

A Mexican Hat With the Phrase "Cinco De Mayo" Apples 4 the Teacher If you’re looking for some fun and free Cinco de May coloring sheets, you’ll want to check out this group of them. The Cinco de Mayo coloring pages at Apples 4 the Teacher includes images of piñatas, peppers, food, and Mexico maps and flags.These Cinco de Mayo coloring pages can be printed out as traditional coloring pages or colored online with Apples 4 the Teacher’s special coloring tools. Either way, they can be printed and displayed with pride.Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages from Apples 4 the Teacher.

9. Free Cinco de Mayo Coloring Sheets

A Dancing Cactus Wearing a Hat 

Cool2bKidsCool2bKids has a handful of free, printable Cinco de Mayo coloring pages that feature cactus, sombreros, singing, guitars, peppers, maracas, the Mexican flag, food, skulls, piñataa, ​and a free Cinco de Mayo crossword puzzle. These colouring pages are incredibly adorable and should not be overlooked. To enlarge the image, click it once, and then print it straight from your browser. Cool 2b Kids is offering free Cinco de Mayo colouring pages.

10. Free Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages

Mexican Animals Dancing Across the May Calendar 

Best Coloring Pages for KidsThe free Cinco de Mayo coloring pages at Best Coloring Pages for Kids include animals dancing across the May calendar, sombreros, guitars, maracas, singing, dancing, celebrating, cacti, peppers, skulls, and piñatas. There are only a handful of coloring sheets here but you’re going to love all of them. Click on the coloring page thumbnail you’d like to print and then use your browser to print it out.Free Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages from Best Coloring Pages for Kids

11. Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages

A Coloring Page of a Donkey Pinata Coloring 2 Print Coloring 2 Print has 20 free Cinco de Mayo coloring pages that have images of dancers, animals, maracas, skulls, pinatas, tacos, and parties. These are some unique coloring pages that you won’t find anywhere else. They’re bold images that the kids will love to spend time coloring. Click on the coloring page you’d like to print to open a larger image that you can print directly from the browser. Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages from Coloring 2 Print

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