Shoes: 33 Fun and Interesting Facts about Shoes

Philadelphia produced the first pair of shoes with a left and a right shoe. Prior to this point, there was no proof that left and right shoes had ever been made.

For centuries, heels were more indicative of high social status than gender. In order to stay in their stirrups, men riding horses also needed to have a heel on their boot.

The first nation to develop a system for shoe sizing was Britain. Barley corns would be used to measure feet, King Edward declared.

There are Records showing how the Egyptians and Chinese civilizations saw shoes as an Essential part of peoples Daily clothes.

People who lived in hot and cold climates and felt a strong need to protect their feet from the elements invented the first shoe’s. For instance, hot sand inspired the Egyptians to create sandals, and during the last ice age, animal skin shoes were worn.

In order to denote their status, the upper class in 17th-century Europe wore 6-inch heels. During these times, only the wealthy could truly afford to wear heels because such shoes required a lot of effort to wear. Because these heels were so high, aristocrats had to walk with servants at their sides to prevent them from toppling over.

The Dutch called the wooden shoe that is commonly known as a “clog” “klompens.”

Tribes around the World use the Skin of animals and Tree sap to make their Shoes.

The most costly shoes ever sold were in 2000 and cost $660,000. These shoes were the Iconic Ruby red slippers that belonged to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. They were the Original pair worn by the Actress.

The shoes Neil Armstrong wore during his lunar walk were discarded outside, in space. They were never discovered again.

The Largest shoe in the World is 5.5 meters long and 2.25 meters wide. The shoe capital of the Philippines, Marikina City, is where it was discovered. The construction of this shoe cost about $2 million.

An Andy Warhol drawing served as the inspiration for the iconic red soles of Louboutin shoes.

The Largest High heeled shoe Measures 6 Ft and 5 in Long and 6 Ft and 1 in Tall.

Embroidered shoes, is a Huge part of the Chinese Culture. It shows the Country’s Culture, Art and Artisanal skills.

A miniature whisky bottle can fit in a hidden compartment in the heels of the limited edition ‘Oliver Sweeney Brogues’.

In Japan, It is disrespectful to Wear your shoe’s inside the House.

In Mexico, Cowboy’s boots can have a Pointed toe that reaches up to 1 meter long.

Heels will help Accentuate your Bum by up to 25%.

Roger Emanuel designed the first stiletto high heel shoe in 1954. The Latin word “Stake” or “small knife” is the source of the English word “Stiletto.”

The Rubber Sole of the Shoes Allowed You to Walk About Unnoticed, Giving Rise to the Term “Sneakers”

Steel was no longer available as a result of the trade embargo Italy faced in the 1940s, so shoe designer Salvatore Ferragamo experimented with new materials to create wedge shoe’s.

In 1837, the first pair of women’s boots were made for Queen Victoria. The Queen could put on and take off Elastic-sided boots that were made by shoemaker Joseph Sparkes-Hall. What is now referred to as Chelsea boots originated from the Style.

Slaves in ancient Egypt either wore sandals made of palm leaves or no shoes at all. The Commoner donned papyrus-made sandals. Pointed sandals were permitted for those with higher status.

Toronto, Ontario is home to the sole Shoe museum in North America. The shoe’s in this museum date back more than 4,500 years. Sonja Bata has assembled displays for the Bata Shoe Museum.

Fetish of collecting High heel footwear is called Altocalciphilia.

Shoe addiction is Real. The Prefrontal cortex in the Brain, gets Triggered whenever you see a Shoe that you like.

Shoes are the Reason why our toes are Weak and have Lost their ability to Grip onto objects.

Marie Antoinette had 500 pairs of Shoes and It was Recorded that he was Executed while Wearing high heeled shoe’s.

Jimmy Choo was a true master. At the age of eleven, he designed his first pair of shoes.

Ballet dancers’ shoe’s were created by Bill Nye.

When the founder of Nike created the soles of his shoes, he was inspired by the pattern created by waffle makers.

The original purpose of “Dr Martens” was for workmen due to their air-cushioned soles.

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