30 Amezing Facts for People Who Like Amazing Facts

30 Amezing Facts for People Who Like Amazing Facts

These 30 Amezing Facts about People That Blow Your Mind. 1. When Canada’s Northwest Territories considered renaming itself in the 1990s, one name that gained support was “Bob.” “Bob” would have been a better word than just a geographical description, at the very least. 2. Marie Curie remains the only person to earn Nobel Prizes … Read more

Did You Know About These Top 10 Dog Breeds in America

Did You Know About These Top 10 Dog Breeds in America

The American Kennel Club (AKC) has recognised the Labrador Retriever as the most popular dog breed in the country for thirty years running. Dog Breeds in America: The top dog breeds from previous years’ lists remain the same, but two notable changes occurred in the most recent list: the fun-loving Dachshund broke into the top … Read more

Ramayan: 16 Interesting Facts about Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan

Ramayan: 16 Interesting Facts about Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan

One of the most iconic television programmes ever produced is still Ramadan. The following are some fascinating fact’s about it: The Ramayan show’s creators were unsure of it. As a result, they made the decision to release a second show with the same cast along the same lines in order to Test the Audience. The … Read more

11 Interesting Facts and Brief History of Photography and the Camera

11 Interesting Facts and Brief History of Photography and the Camera

The beginning History of photography started almost 200 years ago when the first prototype of a camera was developed from a plain box that took blurry photos. From primitive images to the sophisticated minicomputers found in modern DSLRs and smartphones, the history of photography has progressed.Here’s a brief look at the fascinating history of photography, … Read more

14 Madonna’s Interesting Inspirational Quotes

14 Madonna's Interesting Inspirational Quotes

Since the 1980s, Madonna, an American singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman, has been referred to as the “Queen of Pop.” Madonna is recognised by Guinness World Records as the best-selling female recording artist of all time, having sold more than 300 million records globally. Quotes by Madonna A lot of People are Afraid to say … Read more

The 15 Least Popular Dog Breeds in America

The 15 Least Popular Dog Breeds in America

Few living things have as high of an approval rating as our canine friends, I think. It’s a well-known fact that they are referred to as “man’s best friend” and that they all attend paradise. Throughout human history, there have been numerous tributes to their loyalty, ranging from Argos in Homer’s Odyssey to Beethoven and … Read more

Amazing Facts about 10 Miraculous Temples of India

Amazing Facts about 10 Miraculous Temples of India

Temples: The Stories, Legends and Beliefs associated with these places are all the more astounding. There are so many Unexplained things related to these Worship places that one can run short of Explanations and Ideas. These are 10 Amazing Facts about India’s Miraculous Temples. Kamakhya Temple Located in Guwahati, Assam, is the well-known pilgrimage site … Read more

28 Incredible Tea’-Related Facts

28 Incredible Tea'-Related Facts

It is legend that Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung discovered tea in 2737 B.C. When Tea’ leaves inadvertently blew into his pot of boiling water, he discovered the beverage. There is an Estimated 1,500 different types of Tea. China is the World’s Largest Producer of Tea. China produced 1,359,000 tonnes in 2009, with India coming in second … Read more

Shoes: 33 Fun and Interesting Facts about Shoes

Shoes: 33 Fun and Interesting Facts about Shoes

Philadelphia produced the first pair of shoes with a left and a right shoe. Prior to this point, there was no proof that left and right shoes had ever been made. For centuries, heels were more indicative of high social status than gender. In order to stay in their stirrups, men riding horses also needed … Read more

Flowers: 29 Fun n Amazing Facts about Flowers

Flowers: 29 Fun n Amazing Facts about Flowers

The Titan arum plant, which grows flowers 10 feet high and 3 feet wide, is the largest flower in the world. The flowers, also referred to as corpse flowers, have an odour similar to decaying flesh. Despite their appearance as weeds, dandelion flowers and leaves are a good source of iron, calcium, potassium, vitamins A … Read more

Bollywood actress launched by salman khan
Bollywood actress launched by salman khan