21 Delicious Facts about Nutella & History

21 Delicious Facts about Nutella & History

Nutella A shortage of chocolate during World War II was the catalyst for it all. In order to increase the supply of chocolate, founder Pietro Ferrero added hazelnuts when chocolate became a scarce, expensive commodity that was rationed during the war. Pasta Gianduja was thus born in 1946. Ferrerro’s invention, which he named Pasta Gianduja, … Read more

Interesting 25 Facts about Alaska & History

Interesting 25 Facts about Alaska & History

HISTORY: The first people probably came to what is now Alaska about 13,000 years ago. They could have travelled by land, sea, or foot from what is now Russia, which was connected to Alaska by the Bering Land Bridge, a swath of land up to 600 miles wide. After Russian settlers arrived in this area … Read more

39 Amazing Facts about Olympics

39 Amazing Facts about Olympics

There is something enchanting about the Olympics, even if you are not very interested in sports: Years of training are spent by athletes to give their all and produce a once-in-a-lifetime performance – often within a few seconds. We cry happy tears for the winners, sympathize with the losers, yell at the TV, and high-five … Read more

20 Amazing Facts about Diamonds

20 Amazing Facts about Diamonds

Diamonds are the most timeless material on Earth in addition to being the hardest known element. How much do you know Facts about diamonds? You might be shocked at how much you can discover about them. Diamond’s were first Mined in India over 2800 years ago. Diamond’s were used to Engrave Gemstones in India by … Read more

20 Surprising Interesting Facts about Sanskrit Language

20 Surprising Interesting Facts about Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit is the oldest language of the world. The majority of Sanskrit literature is composed solely of poetry because it has been passed down to us orally through the Shruti Parampara tradition. Sanskrit poetry has been produced continuously since the Rigveda, the oldest piece of literature in history. Facts about Sanskrit: Sanskrit an old Indo-Aryan … Read more

30 Interesting Alaska Facts for Kids

30 Interesting Alaska Facts for Kids

Alaska Facts: Alaska is a non-contiguous U.S. state on the northwest extremity of North America. It is in the Western United States region. The only other non-contiguous U.S. state is Hawaii. In addition, Alaska is regarded as the state that is the furthest north, west, and east in the union (the Aleutian Islands span the 180th meridian into the eastern hemisphere). It … Read more

37 Interesting Facts about September 11 Attacks

37 Interesting Facts about September 11 Attacks

The September 11 attacks, also referred to as 9/11, were a series of four well-planned Islamist suicide terrorist strikes against the United States on September 11, 2001, carried out by al-Qaeda. Four commercial planes that were supposed to depart from the East Coast and head for California were taken over by 19 terrorists that morning. … Read more

21 Shocking Laws In North Korea That Will Make You Do A Double-Take

21 Shocking Laws In North Korea That Will Make You Do A Double-Take

The world is always in awe of North Korea. Despite the fact that this country is closed to ordinary tourists, and you are unlikely to see a photo from thereon Instagram, nevertheless, sometimes interesting information about this country does get out. Given the amount of horrible laws, it is not surprising that the nation is … Read more

26 Amazing Human Body Facts

26 Amazing Human Body Facts

Hey Guys Today I am Going Too Tell You Some Amazing About Human Body Facts. That Every one should Know off this facts for the knowledge Purpose and Education Purpose. The memory capacity of the human brain is greater than 4 terabytes on a hard drive. The blood vessels in the human body have a … Read more

35 Amazing Facts for People Who Like Amazing Facts – Part 2

35 Amazing Facts for People Who Like Amazing Facts - Part 2

Some Mind Blowing Amazing facts about people 1. There’s a medical term for ice cream headaches. Boy with Many Ice Cream Cones. / George Rinhart/GettyImages It’s sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. 2. Dr. James Naismith invented basketball. He is the only basketball coach for the Kansas Jayhawks to have a losing record, though. 3. The reason Wisconsin is known … Read more

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