This Woman’s Viral Theory About Disney Adults & Third Places Makes Perfect Sense

Disney adults get a bad rap. Often referred to as “cringey,” Disney adults are usually 18+, attending the Disney theme parks regularly with — or without — kids. They go to the parks with great gusto and excitement, wearing bejewelled Mickey Mouse ears.

Disney is their hobby. Disney is their lifestyle. They wear the merch, buy the home decor, and embody what it means to be a Disney fan, and while people may find them to be annoying or pathetic, one woman’s theory It all makes perfect sense as to why Disney adults are there in the first place.

In his video, TikToker Christian explained that Gen Z lacks a middle class, which makes them a nervous and melancholy generation.

“The home, the workplace, and social gatherings were the three locations for our parents’ generation and nearly every generation prior to them. If your workday was a complete bust, you could look forward to going to the pub after work you could go to the golf course and hang out with your friends, or if you get into a fight with your wife, you could do both. “Alternatively, you can anticipate your darts or pool league after work if you’re feeling lonely on any random Tuesday,” TikToker Christian added in his video.

“Every single generation before us had this third place of gathering besides us,” he continues.

He calls for the reimplementation of third places and theorizes that the lack of social settings for Gen Z is a major reason why the generation is so depressed.

In fact, according to a 2019 study published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, between 2009 and 2017 depression rates increased by more than 47% among adolescents 12–13 years old, 60% among teens 14–17 years old, and 46% among young adults 18–21 years old.

Former Disney employee Keilena Burch annotated Christian‘s video, expressing her agreement with his thoughts and revealing where her third place was located in Florida.

In her widely shared video, Burch said, “I think the idea of a third place is why I think Disney adults are so happy.” She went on to say that she worked at the Disney parks and discovered how much fun the third place was.

For example, all of my friends who were also employees at the time of my employment received complimentary park passes. After work, we head to the parks. I visit the parks on my day off. You’re always free to choose to do something other than sit at home, work, or school, she said.

“Ever since coming back to New York, all I’ve wanted to do is return to Florida and work for Disney again because I miss being able to enjoy myself and be free.” third place nearby.” I was making less money there than I was here, but I had more money because the things I was doing for fun, like visiting parks and beaches, were free or didn’t really cost a lot of money,” she said. She went on to say that, despite her increased income, her lifestyle now costs more because her third places are stores and retailers like Target and TJ Maxx.

Yes, of course, there is a fee if you are not employed by the parks. Disney adults, on the other hand, appear content to spend that money if it means living a happy life and having a place to go that is extremely enjoyable and isn’t their house or place of employment.

Disney parks also provide adults the chance to rediscover the childhood magic. “[Disney parks are] one of the few places you can go back to,” psychologist Jaime Zuckerman remarked to Bustle. “You have the power to actually relive that sentimental experience.”

Many TikTok users agreed with Burch’s assessment and left their own comments on the video regarding Disney parks as a third option.

“Yes!!! And it’s a giant walkable community. It’s safe. It’s bougie. It’s contained. It’s magic,” one user wrote.

Another person remarked, “People make fun of Disney adults, but they’re the only ones doing life right.”

“You’ve helped me accept Disney adults and I never thought this was possible,” jokingly said another user.

Disney Adults And Third Places Makes Perfect Sense

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